Afx Mega G Slot Cars For Sale
For a start parts are available to rebuild old tomy cars. Together with up to 8 color decorations and super quality graphics, the new bodies are simply beautiful. The chassis material is nylatron and it uses level 30 neodymium tracation magnets. Afx mega g slot cars for sale . With decades of slot car innovation and over a year of experimentation, this is the best out of the box slot car system you can buy. It builds on the earlier versions but is improved with lower traction magnets, a can motor (fn20) for greater reliability, redesigned stronger. Super g plus tune up kit is designed to be used with afx super g+ racers, such as the jaguar, t'bird, indy mobil and the indy p'nzoil. Was never produced for sale due to licensing issues. Formula core #3 and afx #24. The mega g+ 1.7 cars were first released in 2015. So you get a car that is blindingly fast and nimble. Ho scale slot car part. Aurora afx g plus gmc big ryder cab & trailer. Afx mega g pl...